In Season Five, Clark Kent found himself without his most beloved "guiding light" when his father died. The feelings of loneliness grew as his relationship with Lex Luthor crumbled, rebuilt as a bitter rivalry, and Clark was forced to push the love of his life, Lana Lang, away. To make matters worse, Lana took refuge in Lex's open arms. By the end of the season, Clark had learned to deal with his grief and had a better sense of who he was, but he still had a long way to go before becoming the Man of Steel. In Season Six, Clark's destiny grows a lot nearer. Season Six revolves around Clark's discovery of who he is through two major storylines: 1) the tormented relationship between he and Lana Lang (which should have ended seasons ago and has now reached the point of absurdity), as well as Lana's potentially strong affections for Lex, and 2) Lex Luthor's rapid loss of morality and Clark's realization that he alone can stop him. There is a third major storyline as well, dealing with a number of alien ghosts which escape from the Phantom Zone in the season premiere; Clark must round them up before they wreak too much havoc.
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